The Department of Nursing is governed by an advisory board and bylaws that hold us accountable for upholding our mission and policies and uses a shared governance committee structure for decision making, program evaluation and establishment of mission and policies.

Advisory Board

The BSU Department of Nursing Advisory Board consists of area health care employers, representatives of nursing programs from other colleges and universities of Minnesota State, BSU nursing faculty and students. The Board meets annually with the purpose of advising on the design, development, operation, evaluation and revision of career pathways and our nursing programs. Anyone interested in serving on our advisory board should contact the department chair.


The BSU Department of Nursing standing committees are: Curriculum Committee (CC); Student Admission, Progression and Concerns Committee (SAPC); Academic Resources Committee (ARC); and Faculty and Budget Committee (FAB). Standing committees meet approximately once per month. All regular department faculty meetings are open, except those at which personnel or individual students are discussed.

Student Involvement in Department Governance

Recognizing the value of student input, the BSU Department of Nursing bylaws provide for a method of communication to ensure maximum opportunity for student participation. Students are welcome to attend and participate in scheduled committee meetings.

Student Input Forums function to provide a communication and evaluation link between students and faculty. Scheduled once each semester, the forums allow students to provide input into all areas of the nursing programs.

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