English Education

Note: The name that will appear on the licensure is Communication Arts and Literature.

Required Credits: 84
Required GPA: 2.5

I Required Courses

Complete the following courses:

Select 2 of the following courses:

Select 1 of the following courses:

II Required Electives

Select 12 semester credits from the following courses; at least three credits must be at the 4000 level. The courses may be taken multiple times with different topic subtitles.

III Required for Licensure

Complete the following courses:


ED 4737 is required for licensure and is listed under the secondary education core requirement

ED 3208 has a prerequisite not included in this major.

Required Professional Education Courses

Complete the following courses:

Complete 12 credits of student teaching:

ED 5830 Student Teaching – Secondary (1-12 credits)