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Biology Course Descriptions

(BIOL) College-Program: 17-05 Read each course description for prerequisites.Check With Department for quarter offered.
111, 112, 113 GENERAL BIOLOGY-F-W-S (4,4,4 credits ). A general introduction to modern biology, with emphasis on basic concepts of form, function, evolution, and environmental interrelationships. Three hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory work per week. This sequence of courses may also be used to fulfill Liberal Education requirements. (Applies to Liberal Education Area IV ).

120 INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY LABORATORY-F-W-S (3 credits ). An introduction to the experimental study of living systems in the field and in the laboratory. Intended primarily for Biology majors. Prerequisite or corequisite: BIOL 121. See Biology 121, 122, 123. (Applies to Liberal Education Area IV ).

121, 122, 123 INTRODUCTORY BIOLOGY LECTURE-F-W-S (3,3,3 credits)An introduction to the structure and function of living systems, with emphasis on basic mechanisms and concepts. Intended primarily for Biology majors. Lecture 121, 122, and 123 must be taken in sequence. See Biology 120. This sequence of courses may also be used to fulfill Liberal Education requirements. (Applies to Liberal Education Area IV ).

203 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY I -F-S (5 credits ). The structure and function of the cell, tissues, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, and sensory organs. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123.

204 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY II -W-SS I (5 credits ). The structure and function of the endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Prerequisites: BIOL 113 or 123 and BIOL 203.

205 CLASSICAL GENETICS - F, W (4 credits ). Fundamental principles of heredity in plants, animals, and microorganisms. Lecture only. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123.

206, 207 MOLECULAR GENETICS I, II (4,4 credits ). The study of the structure, replication, expression, regulation, and change of the genetic material. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123.

208 MOLECULAR GENETICS LABORATORY-D (4 credits ). Introduction to theory and procedures by which recombinant DNA molecules are formed, cloned, and expressed. Prerequisites: BIOL 207, CHEM 232 or concurrent registration.

214 PHYSIOLOGY OF NUTRITION-D (3 credits ). Fundamental principles of human nutrition, food sources, metabolism interrelationships and requirements. Emphasis on physiological function nutrients essential to physical well-being. Also listed as CHEM 214.

221 COMPARATIVE INVERTEBRATE ANATOMY-W (5 credits ). Basic adaptive features of the major invertebrate groups, their structure, classification, ecology and evolution. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123.

261 GENERAL ECOLOGY-F (4 credits ). Interrelationships of organisms and their environments, population dynamics, major ecosystems. Highly recommended for the student majoring in Elementary Education. Lecture, laboratory, and field study. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 312 or consent of instructor.

271 PLANT ANATOMY AND MORPHOLOGY-W 97 (5 credits ). Detailed study of the internal structure, external features, development, and phylogeny of vascular plants. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123.

272 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY I-F (5 credits ). Physiological aspects of plant growth in relation to external environmental factors, tropisms, reproduction, and chemical regulators. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123 and one year of college chemistry, physics, or physical science.

300 WRITING CERTIFICATION-F-W-S (0 credits ). A requirement designed to document the student's ability to competently write expository English in a scientific format. The student may petition any senior staff member for certification by submitting a paper on a mutually agreed upon topic to that staff member after enrolling in the course.

301 FIELD ZOOLOGY (4 credits ). Common animals of the region, their classification, environment, and interrelationships. Can be used as a free elective in the Biology major or minor. Highly recommended for teachers. (May not be offered every year.) Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or consent of instructor.

302 FIELD BOTANY-F 96 (4 credits ). Common plants of the region, their classification, environment, and interrelationships. Can be used as a free elective in the Biology major or minor. Highly recommended for teachers. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or consent of instructor.

310 LITERATURE OF BIOLOGY - F, W (3 credits ). The literature of biology and its utilization in research, teaching, and professional writing. Prerequisite: ENGL 121, 122, 123 or consent of instructor.

312 SOILS-S (5 credits ). Introduction to the principles of soil genesis, the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123; or consent of instructor.

321 COMPARATIVE VERTEBRATE ANATOMY-F (5 credits ). Representative vertebrate types, their anatomy and phylogeny. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: Updated: BIOL 113 or 123 and BIOL 205. One year of college chemistry and college physics is strongly recommended.

322 VERTEBRATE PHYSIOLOGY-W (5 credits ). Functions of the organ systems of vertebrates, with emphasis on mammals. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisites: Updated: BIOL 113 or 123 and 321 and CHEM 233.

331 ENTOMOLOGY-F 97 (5 credits ). The biology of insects, their natural history, morphology, classification, and economic importance. Lecture, laboratory, and field study. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123.

336 LIMNOLOGY I-F (5 credits ). Introduction to the biology, chemistry, geology, and physics of lakes and streams. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisites: BIOL 113 or 123, CHEM 112 or PHYS 112; or consent of instructor.

337 LIMNOLOGY II-W (5 credits ). Advanced discussion of the chemistry and physics of lakes, and the ecology of aquatic organisms. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 336.

338 INDEPENDENT RESEARCH IN AQUATIC BIOLOGY AND FISHERIES-S (3 credits ). Field training in limnological techniques. Lecture and extensive field work. Prerequisite: BIOL 336.

Updated: 339 BIOLOGY OF POLLUTED WATERS-S 97 (4 credits ). Provides a detailed discussion of the effects of additional pollutants upon aquatic life in natural waters. Suggestions of possible solutions to water pollution problems are made. (May not be offered every year.) Prerequisites: BIOL 111 or 123; BIOL 336, 374, and consent of instructor.

341 COMPARATIVE EMBRYOLOGY (4 credits ). Development of representative vertebrates. Lecture and laboratory. (May not be offered every year.) Prerequisites: BIOL 113 or 123, and BIOL 204 or 321.

342 COMPARATIVE ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY (5 credits ). Functions of the organ systems of animals from a comparative viewpoint. (May not be offered every year.) Prerequisites: BIOL 322, CHEM 233, and consent of instructor. One year of college physics is recommended.

351 ORNITHOLOGY (5 credits ). Morphology, ecology, behavior, classification, distribution, and evolution of birds. Lecture, laboratory, and field study (early morning field trips and one or two all-day field trips). (May not be offered every year.)

358 IMMUNOLOGY-F (5 credits ). The study of the disease fighting mechanisms of the body. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisites: BIOL 206; CHEM 113 or 123.

362 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION-W (4 credits ). Methods of wise use of soils, forests, water, minerals, wildlife and recreational areas. Lecture.

366 RADIOISOTOPES (5 credits ). First principles of nuclear science. G.M. counting, gamma scintillation counting, gamma ray spectra, liquid scintillation counting, autoradiography, effect of radiation on living systems. (May not be offered every year.) Prerequisite: One year of physics, chemistry or biology. Also listed as CHEM 369.

371 MICROBIOLOGY-W-S (5 credits ). Structure, classification, and physiology of bacteria and related microorganisms. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123.

372 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY II-W (5 credits ). Plant processes involved in carbon and nitrogen metabolism, photosynthesis, and enzymatic and auxin relationships. Prerequisites: BIOL 272 and one year of college chemistry.

373 TAXONOMY OF SEED PLANTS-S (5 credits ). Principles of classification, collection, field identification, and uses of wild plants. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisites: BIOL 113 or 123.

374 PRODUCTIVITY OF AQUATIC ENVIRONMENTS (4 credits ). The problems related to establishing and quantitatively measuring the flow of matter and energy through the aquatic ecosystems are discussed. Lecture and laboratory. (May not be offered every year.) Prerequisites: BIOL 113 or 123, BIOL 336 and CHEM 123.

375 MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY-W (3 credits ). Principles of diagnostic medical microbiology; 2 hours of lecture and one laboratory of 2 hours per week. Prerequisite: BIOL 371.

378 INTRODUCTION TO HEMATOLOGY-D (2 credits ). Introduction to the principles of blood cell formation and function and of associated disorders. Three hours of combined lecture and laboratory per week. Prerequisites: BIOL 120, 121, and CHEM 124.

381 CRYPTOGAMIC BOTANY (5 credits ). Morphology and phylogeny of the various groups of non-seed plants. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123.

383 FRESHWATER ALGAE - F (4 credits ). Morphology, physiology, ecology, and taxonomy of algae with emphasis on fresh-water algae of Minnesota. Lecture, laboratory, and field study. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123.

384 AQUATIC VASCULAR PLANTS-F (4 credits ). Structure, physiology, reproduction, taxonomy, and ecology of aquatic vascular plants. Lecture, laboratory, and field study. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123.

410 HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE (4 credits ). Designed to acquaint the student with the nature of science through a study of its historical development. (May not be offered every year.) Prerequisites: One year of science or consent of instructor.

420 FRESHWATER INVERTEBRATES-F 96 (5 credits ). Morphology and functional roles of freshwater invertebrates are discussed. Prerequisite: BIOL 221.

421 PARASITOLOGY-S (5 credits ). The biology of animal parasites, their structure, classification, and life histories. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123; BIOL 221 is highly recommended.

422 HISTOLOGY-S (5 credits ). Microscopic anatomy of vertebrate tissues and organs; identification of tissue sections in the laboratory. Prerequisites: BIOL 113 or 123, and BIOL 204 or 321.

432, 433, 434 ADVANCED PROJECT LABORATORY IN CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY I, II, III-F-W-S (4,4,4 credits ). Independent project work is based on the background and interest of participating students. It is expected that students will register for at least 2 quarters per academic year. A student must be a junior and have the consent of the instructor. Prerequisites: BIOL 205, CHEM 232.

440 Environmental Microbiology (4 credits ). To acquaint students with fundamental aspects of microbiology and biochemistry as related to land production, environmental pollution, and water quality control processes. The role of major groups of microorganisms as pollutants, as purifying agents and as agents of biogeochemical changes, and ecological importance of each group in the environment will be covered. (May not be offered every year.) Prerequisites: Biology 113 or 123, Chemistry 113 or 123 required. Biology 371 and Chemistry 332 recommended.

444 FUNCTIONAL ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM -D (5 credits ). Introduction to neuroanatomical architecture of the human nervous system with emphasis on integrative mechanisms and the interrelations between nervous system and environment. (May not be offered every year.) Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123.

445 READINGS IN AQUATIC BIOLOGY I (2 credits ). Preliminary literature search, development of a project experimentation and analysis. Oral presentation of results is required. Prerequisites: Senior status in Aquatic Biology.

446 READINGS IN AQUATIC BIOLOGY II (2 credits ). Preliminary literature search, development of a project experimentation and analysis. Oral presentation of results is required. Prerequisites: Senior status in Aquatic Biology.

452 MAMMALOGY-F (5 credits ). Ecology, distribution, classification, adaptations, and evolution of mammals. Morphology and identification of local forms. Lecture and laboratory. Collection or paper by each student. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123.

453 FISHERIES MANAGEMENT - S (4 credits ). Methods and theory of fisheries biology; age and rate of growth, populations, mortality and harvest, indices of productivity. Lecture, laboratory, and field study. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123 .

455 ICHTHYOLOGY-W (4 credits ). A course designed to cover the basic biology of fishes, and to discuss the problems of existence in the aquatic environment. Prerequisite: BIOL 122 or 123.

459 CELL BIOLOGY-S (4 credits ). Microscopic anatomy and physiological mechanisms of plant and animal cells. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisites: BIOL 113 or 123; BIOL 310, and one year of college chemistry, physics, or physical science.

462 ORGANIC EVOLUTION-S (4 credits ). Mechanisms and results of organic evolution. Lectures and discussion. Prerequisite: BIOL 205 and junior status, or consent of instructor.

463 BIOLOGICAL TECHNIQUES (4 credits ). Survey and use of modern instruments and techniques available to biologists. (May not be offered every year.) Prerequisites: BIOL 113 or 123 and junior status.

465 PLANT ECOLOGY-F 97 (4 credits ). Principles of vegetation analysis, community dynamics, plant interactions, and environmental relationships. Lecture, laboratory, and field study. Prerequisites: BIOL 261 and 373, or consent of instructor.

469 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY-W (4 credits ). Gene control of cellular metabolism, mechanism of energy utilization in cell and pathways of synthesis of molecules. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123, and one year of college chemistry.

472 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY III-S (5 credits ). Introduction to water movement in the plant with detailed study of factors affecting absorption, conduction, transportation, growth and development of plants. Lecture and Laboratory. Prerequisite: BIOL 113 or 123, or consent of instructor.

492 DIRECTED GROUP STUDY (2 credits ). When taken as a requirement for Aquatic Biology, the following description applies: Enables students to develop skills required to do library research, to organize collected library material, and to prepare and present a discussion of a major subject in the field of aquatic biology. Prerequisites: Completion of all but last quarter of study in aquatic biology.

497 INTERNSHIP (Credits arranged). (May not be offered every year).

498 RESEARCH -W (2 credits ). Note: the following description may apply. Investigation of an original research problem. A written paper, or, presentation of a paper to staff or at a professional meeting, is required.

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