Updated 2013-14 Undergraduate Catalog
IT 1210 Materials And Processes - Forming
(4 credits)
IT 1220 Materials And Processes - Separating
(4 credits)
IT 1310 Mechanical Power
(2 credits)
IT 1350 Electronic Technology
(4 credits)
IT 1460 Technical Graphics
(3 credits)
IT 2100 Impact of Technology
(2 credits)
IT 2110 Manufacturing Materials and Processes
(3 credits)
IT 2210 Advanced Fabrication Technology
(3 credits)
IT 2250 Construction Technology
(2 credits)
IT 2310 Small Gasoline Engines
(3 credits)
IT 2370 Automation Technology
(3 credits)
IT 2608 Computer-Controlled Machining
(3 credits)
IT 2931 Experimental Course
(3 credits)
IT 3100 Principles and Practices of Professional Development
(2 credits)
IT 3217 Materials Science And Metallurgy
(3 credits)
IT 3218 Advanced Machining Processes
(3 credits)
IT 3240 Construction Materials And Practices
(3 credits)
IT 3250 Print Reading and Project Documentation
(3 credits)
IT 3260 Project Bidding And Estimating
(3 credits)
IT 3267 Engineering Cost Analysis
(3 credits)
IT 3310 Fluid Power
(3 credits)
IT 3330 Industrial Automation
(3 credits)
IT 3350 General Power
(3 credits)
IT 3380 Emerging Technologies
(4 credits)
IT 3460 Parametric 3-D Modeling
(3 credits)
IT 3570 Commercial Architecture
(3 credits)
IT 3610 Industrial Prototypes
(4 credits)
IT 3700 Production Planning and Control
(3 credits)
IT 3850 Foundation Of Technology Education
(2 credits)
IT 3857 Methods Of Teaching Industrial Technology/Vocational Education
(4 credits)
IT 3870 Technical Sales/Presentations
(2 credits)
IT 3877 Engineering Problem Solving
(3 credits)
IT 3878 Industrial Production Studies
(2 credits)
IT 3879 Performance Measurement
(3 credits)
IT 3880 Human Resource Development
(2 credits)
IT 3890 Material Handling And Plant Layout
(2 credits)
IT 3897 Ergonomics and Human Factors
(3 credits)
IT 4259 Construction Management
(3 credits)
IT 4340 Industrial Controls
(4 credits)
IT 4349 Principles Of Technology
(3 credits)
IT 4370 Computer Integrated Manufacturing
(3 credits)
IT 4460 Design for Manufacturability
(3 credits)
IT 4464 Machine Element Design
(3 credits)
IT 4465 Mechanical Analysis of Parametric 3D Models
(3 credits)
IT 4537 Industrial Design
(3 credits)
IT 4777 Advanced Topics in Quality
(3 credits)
IT 4830 Foundations in Career and Technical Education
(2 credits)
IT 4837 Evaluation in Career and Technical Education
(2 credits)
IT 4839 Industrial/Career and Technical Education Student Organization
(2 credits)
IT 4847 Methods of Teaching Career and Technical Education
(2 credits)
IT 4849 Classroom Management in Career and Technical Education
(2 credits)
IT 4850 Philosophy of Career and Technical Education
(2 credits)
IT 4858 Curriculum Development in Technology Education & Career & Technical Ed
(2 credits)
IT 4859 Special Needs in Career and Technical Education
(2 credits)
IT 4860 Management In Industrial Technology Education
(4 credits)
IT 4870 Production Management
(3 credits)
IT 4877 Industrial Maintenance And Safety
(3 credits)
IT 4878 Quality Assurance
(3 credits)
IT 4879 Service Process Design and Improvement
(3 credits)
IT 4880 Total Quality Management
(3 credits)
IT 4887 Career Development Theory And Practice
(2 credits)
IT 4888 Work/Occupational Assessment Of Learners
(2 credits)
IT 4889 Coordination Techniques of Career and Technical Education
(2 credits)
IT 4890 Industrial Organization And Leadership
(3 credits)
IT 4897 Project Management
(3 credits)
IT 4898 Simulation of Industrial Processes
(3 credits)
IT 4899 Design of Experiments
(3 credits)
IT 4970 Internship
(1-12 credits)
IT 1460 Technical Graphics (3 credits)
A introduction to the principles and practices of technical drawing. The course provides a working familiarity with computer-aided design and drafting through the study of multi view and pictorial drawing systems.
Common Course Outline