2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog | 20243
Geology Courses
GEOL 1110 Physical Geology (4 credits)
Introduction to modern geology. Study of rocks and minerals and the processes operating on Earth. Lecture and laboratory. [**Core Curriculum Goal Area(s) 3 (LC) & 10]
Common Course Outline
GEOL 1120 Historical Geology (4 credits)
Introduction to the history of Earth. Includes study of major fossil groups and significant geologic events with an emphasis on North America. Lecture and laboratory. [**Core Curriculum Goal Area 3 (LC)]
Common Course Outline
GEOL 2110 Mineralogy and Petrology (4 credits)
Identification and occurrence of minerals and igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Introduction to diagnostic tests including spectrometer and polarizing microscope. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisites: GEOL 1110 or GEOL 1120 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
GEOL 2730 Introduction to Planetary Science (4 credits)
An introduction and examination of the solar system, planets,
satellites, asteroids, comets, and meteorites. Atmospheric pheomena,
magnetic fields, cosmic particles and the human presence in Space are
included. Includes laboratory-like activities and exercises. [**Core Curriculum Goal Area 3]
Common Course Outline
GEOL 2925 People of the Environment: Earth Science Perspective (3 credits)
Application of the Earth Sciences in understanding the causes of, and solutions to, environmental problems. Environmental perspectives on geologic hazards. [**Core Curriculum Goal Area 10]
Common Course Outline
GEOL 3120 Soils (4 credits)
Introduction to principles of soil genesis, classification, physical and chemical properties, and biological significance. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisites: (BIOL 1400 or BIOL 1120) and (GEOL 1110 or BIOL 1500) or consent of instructor. May not be offered every year.
Common Course Outline
GEOL 3211 Environmental Hydrology (3 credits)
The course provides a basic understanding of the principles and processes governing the movement of water through the hydrologic cycle, including atmospheric moisture flow, surface runoff, infiltration, and groundwater flow. Environmentally relevant applications based on case studies will be studied. The course include coverage of contemporary global issues related to water resources, sustainable development, and climate change. Prerequisites: GEOL 1110 and MATH 1170 or equivalent, or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
GEOL 3212 Hydrogeology (3 credits)
Groundwater flow to wells, aquifer test analysis, groundwater exploration techniques, application of computer models in groundwater studies, hydrogeologic field methods, contaminant hydrogeology, vadoze zone hydrology. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisites: GEOL 3211 or consent of instructor. May not be offered every year.
Common Course Outline
GEOL 3400 Glacial and Pleistocene Geology (3 credits)
Modern concepts of glaciology and glacial geology. Interpretation of the phenomena and effects on the landscape. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: GEOL 1110 or consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
GEOL 3500 Topics in Paleontology (3 credits)
Introduction to major groups of organisms that are commonly preserved as fossils. Focus of class may vary between offerings; including invertebrate and vertebrate paleontology, introductory micropaleontology, palynology and pollen analysis. May be repeated as topics change. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisite: GEOL 1120. (May not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline
GEOL 3600 Stratigraphy and Sedimentation (3 credits)
Study of sedimentary rocks. Recognition of the physical and biologic factors affecting deposition. Introduction to stratigraphic principles. Lecture and laboratory. Prerequisites: GEOL 1110 or GEOL 1120, and GEOL 2110.
Common Course Outline
GEOL 3700 Environmental Geophysics (3 credits)
Introduction to geophysical processes and geophysical field methods commonly used in environmental evaluation. Interdisciplinary approach to an understanding of the physical environment. Lecture and laboratory. (Might not be offered every year.)
Common Course Outline
GEOL 4300 Global Environmental Change (3 credits)
This class offers an interdisciplinary introduction to the principles of climate, ecosystems, and biogeochemistry needed to understand human impacts on the natural environment. We will also discuss global change prediction and the scientific bases for global change assessments and policy measures. Key topics are the physical climate system and its variability, the carbon cycle and related biogeochemistry and ecosystem processes, land use issues, the interactions among climate, ecosystems, and biogeochemistry, and the impact of global change on societally relevant parameters. Common threads in all of these topics will pervade the whole semester; these include the use of observations and models, the consideration of multiple scales of change (temporal and spatial), the interaction of human behaviors and choices with natural systems, and the linkages among aspects of global change science (may not be offered every year). Prerequisites: ENVR 2000 or GEOG 2100 or Consent of Instructor.
Common Course Outline
GEOL 4910 Directed Independent Study (3 credits)
Arranged individual study.
Common Course Outline
GEOL 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc | (1-2 credits)
Directed Independent Study | Teaching Associate
Common Course Outline
GEOL 4970 Internship (3 credits)
Graded Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory only. Student internships may be either full-time or part-time in a public or private agency appropriate to the degree objective. Internships consist of closely supervised periods of service that are arranged in advance of the course registration. Students should consult their advisor concerning prerequisites.
Common Course Outline
GEOL 4980 Research (3 credits)
Research carried out by the student that is based on appropriate methodology and scholarship.
Common Course Outline