2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog | 20243
Special Education Courses
SPED 3105 Professional Practice in Special Education I (1 credits)
This one-credit course is designed to augment the clinical experiences required throughout the Special Education Licensure Program and facilitate interaction with teacher coaches/mentors. This course is taken during the candidate's first semester in the program. Signature Assessment 1 is completed in this course. Prerequisites: Current teacher license or completion of a teaching degree or completion of ED 3100, ED 3110, enrolled in or completed ED 3350 or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: SPED 3600.
Common Course Outline
SPED 3106 Professional Practice in Special Education II (1 credits)
This one-credit course is designed to augment the clinical experiences required throughout the Special Education Licensure Program and facilitate interaction with teacher coaches/mentors. The course is taken during the program's third semester. Signature Assessment 2 is completed in this course. Prerequisites: SPED 3600, SPED 3105 and consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
SPED 3107 Professional Practice in Special Education III (2 credits)
This two-credit course is designed to augment the clinical experiences required throughout the Special Education Licensure Program and facilitate interaction with teacher coaches/mentors. The course is taken during the program's fifth semester together with the final courses in the program. Signature Assessment 3 is completed in this course. Ten hours of field work for consultation and discussion with the mentor teacher and other professionals in the schools regarding content in the course and tasks related to Signature Assessment 3, are required. Prerequisites: SPED 3600, SPED 3105, SPED 3106 and consent of instructor.
Common Course Outline
SPED 3566 Survey of Mild Disabilities II (3 credits)
This is an introductory level survey course that studies the strategies, methods and materials for educational programming necessary when teaching students with mild disabilities. This course focuses on history, etiology, characteristics, and instructional needs for individuals with mild disabilities including Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disabilities, and Emotional Behavior Disorders. This course addresses learner traits relevant to specific intervention methods and instructional strategies across content areas as well as the roles of educators in inclusive settings to successfully collaborate to meet the needs of individuals with exceptionalities. Prerequisite(s): ED 3100, 3110, 3140, 3350, SPED 3600, 3650 or instructor consent.
Common Course Outline
SPED 3567 Survey of Special Education Law (3 credits)
The focus of this course is on a formal set of policies and procedures to be implemented by schools and districts for children in special education programs. This course introduces students to the referral, evaluation, planning, and programming process. This course will build an understanding of the role a teacher of special education has: being able to address academic and behavioral strategies, understands and applies principles of prevention and intervening early and procedures for referral, assessment, evaluation, individualized planning, programming, and placement specific to teaching students who have mild to moderate needs in the areas of academics, behavior, social, emotional, communication, and functional performance. 20 hours of field experience. Prerequisite(s): ED 3100, 3110, 3140, 3350, SPED 3600, 3650 or instructor consent.
Common Course Outline
SPED 3570 Survey of Mild Disabilities I (3 credits)
This is an introductory level survey course that studies the strategies, methods and materials for educational programming necessary when teaching students with mild disabilities. This course focuses on history, etiology, characteristics, and instructional needs for individuals with mild disabilities including Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Cognitive Disability. This course addresses learner traits relevant to specific intervention methods and instructional strategies across content areas as well as the roles of educators in inclusive settings to successfully collaborate to meet the needs of individuals with exceptionalities. Prerequisite(s): ED 3100, ED 3110, ED 3140, ED 3350, SPED 3600, SPED 3650
Common Course Outline
SPED 3600 Study of the Learner with Special Needs (3 credits)
This is a foundation course for special education. The course provides an introductory overview of special education and characteristics and learning needs of school-age children with exceptionalities. The course is taken simultaneously with SPED 3105. Prerequisites: Current standard teaching license or completion of a teaching degree or completion of ED 3100, ED 3110, enrolled in or completed ED 3350 or consent of instructor. Co-requisite: SPED 3105 (Exempt: Developmental Adaptive Physical Education (DAPE) program. DAPE will still have the documented 10 hours)
Common Course Outline
SPED 3620 Teaching the Learner with Specific Learning Disabilities I (3 credits)
This course is designed to introduce the candidate to the field of learning disabilities. It is a study of learners whose learning problems inhibit their ability to meet academic performance standards and developmental expectations for their age. Emphasis is placed on historical foundations, current education definitions of learning deficits, federal and Minnesota eligibility criteria for services, etiology of learning disabilities, relationship between learning disabilities and other associated conditions, impact of information processing deficits on children with learning disabilities, and social or emotional aspects of children and youth with learning disabilities. A 20-hour approved clinical experience at the kindergarten-6 level is required. Prerequisites: SPED 3600.
Common Course Outline
SPED 3630 Teaching the Learner with Emotional Behavioral Disorders I (3 credits)
The course is an introduction to the characteristics and needs of students with emotional and behavioral disorders within the context of school, family and community settings. A 20-hour approved clinical experience at the K-12 level is required. Prerequisites: SPED 5600.
Common Course Outline
SPED 3650 Collaborative Techniques for Special Educators (3 credits)
A study of the importance of and techniques for collaboration with parent, caregivers, community services and other support services to enhance the learning outcomes for students with special needs. (DAPE will still have the documented 10 hours)
Common Course Outline
SPED 3655 Due Process in Special Education I: Individual Education Plan (3 credits)
The course focuses on a formal set of policies and procedures to be implemented by schools and districts for children in special education programs. This course concentrates on the creation of compliant Individualized Education Plans (IEP) to meet the academic and/or emotional and behavioral needs of students receiving special education services. Prerequisites: SPED 5600. (DAPE will still have the documented 10 hours)
Common Course Outline
SPED 3660 Teaching the Learner with Autism Spectrum Disorder I: Mild to Moderate (3 credits)
This course presents a whole-person perspective of individuals with high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder and surveys research-based approaches to teaching, biological and neurological information necessary for assessment, genetic research, legislation, and the CEC Code of Ethics. The course material covers birth through the age of 21 and requires 20 hours of field experience with 10 hours dedicated to birth to Pre-Kindergarten and 10 hours dedicated to Kindergarten through Grade 12. Prerequisites: SPED 5600.
Common Course Outline
SPED 3665 Social Skills (3 credits)
This course is designed to explore evidence based social skill and communication skill interventions for students diagnosed with ASD, EBD and SLD. The course requires 10 hours of field experience with students in Grades 5-8. Prerequisites: SPED 5600.
Common Course Outline
SPED 4715 Curriculum Techniques with Special Populations (3 credits)
The focus of the course is curricular interventions and techniques for accommodating diverse learners within the general education setting. A 10-hour approved field experience at the 6-8 grade level is required. Prerequisites: SPED 3600.
Common Course Outline
SPED 4917 DIS Tchg Assoc | (1-2 credits)
Directed Independent Study | Teaching Associate
Common Course Outline