Registration Access Codes for Spring 2014

Faculty Advisors:

The Spring 2014 schedule has been published on the BSU website.

Registration begins November 1st for students with documented disabilities, remaining students register beginning November 4th, with days and time assigned through November 18th, based on their total earned credits. Students may find when their registration window opens in e-Services.

Advisee lists with registration access codes were distributed by department to each department chair. Faculty also have access to obtaining a list of their advisees with spring access codes via e-Services. In e-Services, select ‘Advisees’, then ‘Enrolled’ (make sure you are in fall term and you will see a list of your advisees that are enrolled for Fall 2013 and their ‘next term’ access code. The access codes for spring start with a ‘71’ and are six digits

Students are required to obtain their registration access code from their academic advisor.

All degree seeking students (on-campus and on-line students with the exception of on-line Professional Education and Technology, Art and Design students) are assigned a registration access code. Also, those degree seeking students that have already submitted graduation plans are NOT assigned an access code.


Waitlist – the automated waitlist will be used for all Spring 2014 classes. The waitlist will remain in effect until January 6th at 6 pm. At that time, it will be shut-off.

Overrides – when issuing any override, the system defaults that the override is effective for 24 hours, if you would like to make the override effective for a longer period of time you will need to adjust the end-date of the override. This can be done on the override screen before you submit the override. Once you have authorized the override, please remind the student that they need to log into e-Services and register for the course.


Please contact Records and Registration with an questions, 218/755-2020.