Relay For Life At BSU Continues To Raise Money for Cancer Research

The Relay for Life at Bemidji State University has raised over $3,000 dollars throughout the year and plan to raise more.

Their event was held at the Gillette Wellness Center on Saturday, March 30. Members of the Student Senate at BSU, the hockey team and student chapters helped during the fundraiser. Relay for Life stared with a welcome speech and then held the relay. Throughout the event, someone is always walking around the track.

“It’s just a way for people to raise money for the American Cancer Society and to just give back you,” Sarah Larson, Co-Chair of the Relay for Life at BSU,  said.” It’s just a way we can all fight against [it] even if we are not the one with the actual cancer.”

During the event there was a silent auction, food, activities and entertainment. Relay for Life is connected to the American Cancer Society and all proceeds go to help advance cancer survival.

Another co-chair for the event, Autumn Huju, said the funds also helps patients, families and caregivers to receive more information and personal guidance through the healthcare system.

“I know no one who has been unaffected by cancer. Someone has either had a family member who’s gone through it themselves or they’ve gone through it themselves. Anyone you talk to has been impacted by cancer in some way, and we want to lighten that load a little bit for everyone. We relay for more birthdays, essentially,” Huju said.

During the event, they raised $1,341, and they are still currently taking in donations at