Current Staff

Kat Klement

Dr. Kat Klement, assistant professor of psychology
(218) 755-2848,
Bensen Hall 410; Box #35
Dr. Kat Klement (they/them) is an Assistant Professor of Psychology of Women & Gender and the Psychology Online Program Coordinator at Bemidji State University. Their primary teaching interests are human sexuality, gender, and research methods. Their major research interests include sexual violence, how transphobia relates to other systems of oppression, and transgender patients’ experiences in healthcare. Additionally, they have published work related to consensual BDSM (bondage/discipline, dominance/submission, and sadism/masochism), sexual consent and sexual entitlement. They are also the advisor for the The Phoenix, BSU’s 2sLGBTQ+ student group.

Past Staff

Dr. Kate Larson, co – founder of Northwoods Queer OutreachKate Larson
(218) 755-2803,
Bensen Hall 429; Box #35

Dr. Kate Larson (she/her) is no longer at Bemidji State University, but was instrumental in founding the NGO. Her primary teaching interests are stress and coping, positive psychology, abnormal psychology and human sexuality. Her major research interests include applications of positive psychology, teaching and learning. She has also served as advisor/co-advisor for The Phoenix student group since Fall 2015.

Casey Johnson, website and social media coordinator
Casey Johnson

Casey Johnson is a graduate of Bemidji State University with degrees in psychology and biology. She was the website and social media coordinator for Northwoods Queer Outreach, where her primary duties were social media management and content creation.