The Grant was Awarded

  • If a grant is awarded, the project team will work closely with the funding agency, the grant accounting officer (Monte Hegg) and vice president of finance and administration (Karen Snorek) to negotiate the funding award and sign the grant agreement.
  • Once the grant agreement has been signed, the grant specialist can assist with contract formulation (e.g., inter and intra-agency, shared employee agreements, income contracts, professional technical service, single source, etc.) for grant activities and purchases.
  • The project team should stay in close contact with the grant accounting officer to monitor grant expenditures and ensure compliance with project activities and budget.
  • Generally, principal investigators/project directors will be required to create interim and final reports that will be submitted to the funding agency for review by agreed-upon deadlines.

The Grant was Denied

  • If the proposal was not secured, the program officer for the funding agency may supply reviewer feedback.
  • Work with the grant specialist to consider resubmission -OR- seek out another funding agency or RFP that may fit the project.