TAD Students Attend EXPO! EXPO! in Las Vegas

As the year comes to an end, the International Association for Exhibits and Events® (IAEE) held their annual EXPO! EXPO! in Las Vegas, December 3rd through the 5th. This annual meeting is the “show for shows” for exhibition and event industry professionals to learn about the latest industry trends and technology, as well as networking with like-minded individuals.

Bemidji State Exhibit Design Students, Patrick Berlin, Jarod Her and Emma Brechlin were finalists in the student design competition this year. Emma was awarded first place at the awards ceremony for her student design work on Saturday night.

IAEE takes time to help mentor Bemidji State University students with opportunities like these to foster industry relationships between students and professionals, as well as educate students about real-life design challenges. In addition, IAEE provides scholarship opportunities to students while they pursue their passion in exhibit and event design.

If you are interested in learning more about IAEE, visit their website. How about learning more about Bemidji State’s Exhibit Design program? Contact Dr. Sachel Josefson at sachel.josefson@bemidjistate.edu.