Students for the Environment

Students for the Environment

SFE is a student-run organization that focuses on environmental issues on and off-campus. We do things such as: educating students on campus, advocating for a healthier planet, volunteer work, campaigns, projects and promote sustainable lifestyle changes. We’re always open to ideas and love new faces. Join us for a fun time and create interesting experiences!

Contact Information

More information or to join Students for the Environment.Contact Email:

Chemistry Club

What We Do

  • Invite speakers to educate us on getting our foot in the door at potential future jobs or further studies and schooling.
  • Provide opportunities to work in labs and be active with your chemistry skills.
    • Perform outsourced quality control testing for Hobart Laboratories.
    • Produce a video on laboratory safety.
  • Participate in outreach activities that encourage youth to pursue careers in chemistry.
  • Contribute in on campus major and career expo events.
  • Eat pizza!

Get Involved

Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society

The Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society is open to all majors and school year levels. The chapter provides an experience of wildlife-related field tasks that are needed to be a wildlife professional. Some club activities include bobcat necropsy, bear collaring, fish backpack shocking, sharp-tailed trapping and collaring, Bemidji Slough Wildlife Management Area research, deer jaw aging, duck wing ID’ing, deer antler scoring and spotlight deer surveys.

For more information, visit the chapter on Facebook or check them out on Beaverlink.

Student Chapter of the American Fisheries Society

The Student Chapter of The American Fisheries Society provides biology students the opportunity to experience exciting, hands-on outdoor activities related to fisheries. This involves electrofishing, fish identification, pulling seine nets, fish field trips, professional fisheries conferences and much more. Being involved in the fisheries society also provides students the opportunity to make professional connections in the field.

For more information, visit the chapter on Facebook or check them out on Beaverlink.