Goal 1: Master Academic Plan Implementation

Implement the joint BSU-NTC master academic plan (MAP) map leading to new program business plan guidelines, enhanced program review processes, formal training and educational partnerships and focused, community-engaged learning and scholarship.

The Master Academic Plan (MAP) map, or “MAP map” is a multi-dimensional database that identifies regional needs, businesses, industries, organizations and other employers along with the related workforce knowledge and skill needs of these employers. This goal directly addresses opportunities to connect enrollment and programmatic offerings with community needs and with businesses, industry, non-profit organizations and educational institutions in Northern Minnesota. The goal also supports TOWS analyses related to online program offerings, curricular relevance, work with Tribal Nations and BSU and NTC’s location.

Leadership Action Team

  • MAP Map Database Design: BSU provost, NTC EVP, vice president for advancement, interim head of staff (fundraising for NTC) and GIS faculty.
  • Business Plan and Program Review Guides: BSU provost, NTC EVP, deans and representatives identified by IFO and MSCF.

Key Performance Indicators

  • Infrastructure: Finish the design of the MAP Map database, populate the database with regional community needs, workforce data, generate new program business plan guidelines and update program review protocols to utilize MAP map data. (Green: completion of all implementation elements; Yellow: complete design and data populations elements; Red: core database structure still in development)
  • Partnerships: Green, Yellow and Red metrics for program reviews, programs developed and partnerships enacted will be developed in Fall 2023.
  • Pathways: In order for the MAP Map to function within the BSU-NTC alignment, there will need to be a formally articulated pathway from every NTC degree to a BSU four-year degree. (Green: formally articulated pathways for 100% of NTC programs; Yellow: formally articulated pathways for at least 80% of NTC programs; Red: formally articulated pathways for less than 80% of programs)

Future Direction

Continuous improvement efforts will need to assess and refine MAP Map guides and actions based on their utilization. Specific tools may include customized training, certificates and micro-credentials, credit for prior learning, upside-down curricula, short courses and stackable credentials — tools aimed to extend educational access and student-centered aspects of learning.

Goal 2: Investment in Community Engagement

Enhance BSU and NTC engagement, interactions and vibrancy with the Bemidji community and Northern Minnesota communities.

The aim of this goal is to increase the quantity and quality of connections and interactions among BSU and NTC students and employees as well as between BSU-NTC students and employees and members of Bemidji and surrounding communities and Tribal entities. The increased engagement and vibrancy will then lead to enhanced quantity and quality of collaborations, partnerships and joint endeavors.

Leadership Action Team

President; VP for advancement and interim head of staff; BSU and NTC Foundations; alumni and community leaders; and campus representatives.

Key Performance Indicators

Before the end of the calendar year, the LAT will generate Green, Yellow and Red metrics related to forms of student, employee and/or alumni internships, volunteerism, service learning, work, volunteerism, civic engagement, attendance at community events, etc

Future Direction

Future direction will address BSU-NTC impact within the community and region, as well as progress with civic engagement, environmental stewardship, facilities and technology.