The Honors Program offers housing in the Laurel house and has partnered with Housing & Residential Life to provide a dedicated Honors community in Oak Hall.

Laurel House

Honors Program Students Making Lasagna

Laurel House provides an opportunity for four sophomores, juniors or seniors to live on campus free of charge for two years of their schooling. This scholarship is equivalent to over $15,000 in living expenses. The public living spaces (kitchen, living room, study room) may be used by the Honors Council, faculty, staff and students to hold receptions and small gatherings in an informal setting. Activities are coordinated between Laurel House residents and the Honors Council.

Oak Hall

Oak Hall offers Honors students the opportunity to create a special learning community where fellow residents share educational values and enrichment. If you live in Oak Hall, it’s easy to participate in Honors Program activities and establish study groups, interest groups and social activities with your fellow Honors students.

Both Laurel House and Oak Hall are open to entering students and returning students alike, so whether you’re just starting your journey or you’re already a part of the Honors Program, you’re welcome to apply. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to live and learn with like-minded individuals and create lasting memories.