Reporting a Student Concern

Behaviors to Report

Behaviors can range from physical (appearance changes, bruises, cuts, hygiene, inappropriate interaction with others) to emotional (signs of depression, disorientation, isolation, confused behavior, written expression).

When in doubt, contact the Student Life and Success Office by email at by calling 218-755-2075.

If you see something, say something

The Emotion and Physical Health Committee is not the appropriate referral for issues that require immediate or emergency health care (physical or mental) or police intervention. Student behavior is viewed to be an immediate three should be reported to Campus Safety at 218-755-3888 or by calling 911.

How to report

Contact the Vice President for Student Life and Success at, call 218-755-2075 or submit an incident report here.

What happens with my report?

If the student shows behaviors that demonstrate signs of being at risk to themselves or others, the incident will be referred to the Emotional and Physical Health Committee.