Below you’ll find policies and procedures related to the following:

Sleep/Study Atmosphere

In order to support the academic goals of Bemidji State University students, Housing & Residential Life and its staff promote and uphold a quiet environment. Above all else, a resident has the right to study and sleep in their room without being disturbed. However, community living also involves socializing, and that at times there will be noise. It is the responsibility of staff and residents to monitor the level of noise, keeping it appropriate at all times. A staff member or resident has the right, at any time, to request that the noise level be decreased.

Although the concept of quiet respect hours is to be in existence 24 hours a day, individual floors are responsible for setting up their own designated quiet study hours, which will minimally be from 11:00 p.m. through 8:00 a.m. on weekdays and 1:00 a.m. through 10:00 a.m. on weekends. This subject will be discussed at floor meetings and will be part of the community agreement. It is important that a quiet atmosphere conducive to study be present on a daily basis. Quiet hours in hall lounges shall be determined by the Hall Council and Residence Hall Director.

Special study hours, known as Grand Silence, are established during finals week. Grand Silence consists of 22 hours per day of quiet hours and two hours of respect, beginning one full day prior to the first day of finals.

Smoking & Chewing Tobacco

In accordance with BSU tobacco-free policy, the use of tobacco, including any smoking device, the carrying of any lighted smoking instrument, and chewing tobacco in university buildings or on university premises is prohibited.

Solicitation in Residence Halls

Solicitation: Posting

BSU student clubs/organizations and off-campus groups and businesses may submit materials for posting in the residence hall lobby areas and Walnut Hall to Housing & Residential Life. Items for posting will be date-stamped and distributed through the residence hall system. Numbers of posters are made available by contacting Housing & Residential Life. Exceptions to this policy will include bulletin boards designated for student posting.

Solicitation: Mail

No unaddressed mail will be placed in residence hall mailboxes. Items for general distribution (i.e. memos, brochures, etc.) should be brought to Housing & Residential Life. Such materials will be made available at a designated area in each residence hall lobby and recycled on a weekly basis. Numbers are made available by contacting Housing & Residential Life.

Solicitation: Door-to-Door and Lobby Area

No door-to-door solicitation is permitted in the residence halls, with the exception of political canvassing, allowable by law. The lobby areas of the residence halls may be used for direct solicitation by hall councils, Residential Life staff or any group sponsored by either of these groups. In addition, space is available in Walnut Hall for solicitation. A Request for Public Area Space Form must be completed and approved to reserve these facilities.

Special Living Options

Housing & Residential Life is committed to providing residents with a number of living options that enable them to meet their academic and personal needs. A number of living options already exist. Additional living options can be requested by students. Further information is available through the Residence Hall Director.

Staff Living Space in University Housing

  1. Space in University housing is intended for students and related programs. In order that Housing & Residential Life may provide for student needs, certain staff members may require on-campus housing accommodations. The Director of Housing & Residential Life will determine which space is needed for these purposes.
  2. New employees transferring from more that 50 miles away may occupy such available space at the normal rental charge for a particular room or apartment for a period of no longer than one calendar year.
  3. As the needs to accommodate students and/or related programs change, staff occupants under this policy may have to vacate space.
  4. Rental periods will be for the full month, except for the first month that may be prorated according to the percentage of the month being contracted. The last month may be prorated when the University prohibits the tenant from renting for the full month.
  5. Exceptions to this policy may be approved only by the Dean of Students.


Stereo use should fit within the guidelines of the Sleep/Study policy and the Community Agreement. Stereos, speakers or other audio equipment may not be directed out of windows. Failure to comply with these responsibilities may result in the immediate removal of stereo and audio equipment from your room and/or further disciplinary actions.

Theft & Loss

In the event of theft of or damage to your property, residents should immediately contact the Department of Public Safety, (218)-755-3888. BSU Department of Public Safety and the Bemidji Police Department will jointly investigate the incident. The Resident is responsible for damage to or theft of Resident’s own personal property, including money. This includes items left in the residence halls during vacation and break periods, such as fish in aquariums and food left in a refrigerator.

It is recommended that residents insure property through their parents’ homeowners insurance or by purchasing personal property insurance. In order to protect personal property, residents should:

  • Keep the room door locked at all times.
  • Register property with the Operation Identification Program, BSU Department of Public Safety.
  • Record the serial numbers of valuables.

Tornado Evacuation

In the event of a tornado warning or severe weather warning, the Bemidji community siren will be sounded. Residents are to evacuate into the tunnel system.


Students should immediately report witnessed acts and/or the results of vandalism to a Residential Life staff member or to the BSU Department of Public Safety at 755-3888.

Vehicle Plug-ins

It is prohibited to plug-in any type of heating element for vehicles by running an extension cord into any of the residence halls.


Twenty-four hour visitation is permitted in all residence halls, however, residents and guests are referred to the Residence Life Guest policy regarding the expectations of both residents and guests.

Waiting List

A waiting list for special room options or floor preferences is maintained in Housing & Residential Life. In order to be offered a special option room, residents must be in good standing with the University conduct system (i.e., not on conduct probation) and must not owe any funds to Bemidji State University or to Northwest Technical College. If money is owed, a payment plan must be in place at the time to room is to be offered to the student.

When a resident is contacted, they will be given a period of time (as determined by the Room Coordinator) to respond. Failure to respond during that determined period will result in the student’s name being removed from the waiting list.

If you would like to be placed on the waiting list for a special room option, please contact Housing & Residential Life. You will be asked to submit the following information: full name, student ID number, cell phone, email address and preferred room type(s). Names are called in the order which they are received.


In order to protect residents and guests from accidental injury, the University prohibits the use or possession of weapons or munitions in the residence halls. Weapons include, but are not limited to, guns of any type (including paintball, BB, pellet and stun), ammunition, knives, spears, arrows, clubs, swords, nunchuks, etc.

Housing & Residential Life maintains weapons storage lockers in Walnut Hall for student use. Contact the Residential Life, Walnut Hall, 755-3750.

Windows & Screens

Windows and screens are not to be removed from the window frame. Items are not to be thrown from or hung from windows at any time. Residents are responsible for keeping windows closed and maintaining adequate room temperature during periods of cold weather to prevent damage to the window and building heating system. Residents will be held financially responsible for damages from broken heater pipes caused by open windows in cold weather